Latest news

2015, 20th April
2015, 17th April
  • NER now has all the proceedings online instead of on a USB. We will have WiFi in the Exhibit/Poster area as well as in the hotel guest rooms at the Crown Plaza & Pullman, however we do recommend that you download/print any papers ahead of time as we will not have a printer available on-site. Click here for information about the paper portal. You will need your conference registration number in order to have access to download papers.
2015, 15th April
  • g.tec has recently announced the Annual Brain-Computer Interface Research-Award 2015. This Award recognizes outstanding and innovative research done internationally in the field of Brain-Computer Interfaces. For more information please see The submission deadline for the Annual Brain-Computer Interface Research Award is July 1, 2015.
2015, 8th April
  • Warren Grill will provide a plenary talk, April 22nd, 12:45 on “Temporal Pattern of Stimulation is a New Dimension of Therapeutic Innovation”
2015, 12th March
  • Program is now available here.


  Technical Program

April, 22nd

April, 23rd

April, 24th

11 :00 – Plenary Hugues Duffau
12 :45 – Plenary Warren Grill
13 :30 – Invited Session: Visual prosthetics
16:00 – Symposium: BCI

08:00 – Symposium: BMI Control of FES
11:30 – Plenary Karlheinz Meier
15:15 – Invited Session: Organic Electronics
16:30 – Symposium Autonomic visceral modulation

11:00 – Plenary John Rogers
12:45 – Invited Session: Neurophotonics
15:15 – Symposium Neuromodulation for epilepsy

2015, 6th February
  • A pre conference workshop is organized the 21th of april for a full day, see the impressive program here ! Note that the available places are limited to 100. A student event is organized the evening following the workshop.
2015, 24th January
  • Important information on paper submission and registration is available on the Registration fees and details page here.
2015, 21st January
  • 1 page paper submission dead-line postponed to 23rd of January
2014, 18th December
2014, 26th November
  • Final 4 page paper submission due 26th of November.
2014, 8th October
  • A BCI challenge will be open mid-November. The three best competitors will receive a prize and the winner will be invited to publish a full paper in IEEE TBME.
2014, 3rd September
  • Pr Karlheinz Meier, is professor at Heidelberg University and he will give a plenary talk on computational neurosciences. He is also co director of the European flagship Human Brain Project.
2014, 23rd June
  • Prof Hugues Duffau, neurosurgeon and head of the neurosurgery unit at University Hospital of Montpellier will give a talk on brain mapping during awake surgery.
  • Prof John Rogers is currently Swanlund Chair Professor at University of Illinois at Urbana/Champaign and will give a plenary talk on unusual electronic and photonic devices applied to biomedical fields.
2014, 6th June
  • Paper submission is open ! 6 student travel grants are available. Best papers will be selected for journal publication in IEEE TNSRE/TBME (see “paper submission” for details).

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