Awards Organization
All winners will be announced during the closing ceremony on May 6th.
Best Paper Award Competition
Sponsored by Cortec
Ten 4-pages papers will be selected prior to the conference, and will be informed one week before the conference. All finalists will be selected for oral presentations, and the committee will choose the three awardees (1st, 2nd and 3rd place awards) from the selection of finalists. The awards will consist of a certificate and a cash prize.
Committee: Mahsa Shoaran (EPFL), Solaiman Shokur (EPFL).
Neural Engineering Community Award for outstanding contributions to the mission of inclusion and diversity.
Sponsored by EPFL and the University of Pittsburgh.
We believe that there is no scientific progress without a diverse and inclusive community; therefore, we think that our community members, especially young investigators in their training, should be rewarded for their outstanding efforts to make our community stronger. This year we decided to acknowledge the efforts of our community with a dedicated award to recognize and amplify these outstanding initiatives. To apply, any young investigators (<7 years from PhD) who is an author of an accepted paper at the NER conference can submit (deadline: April 28th midnight CET) a 1-page essay describing the actions that they have taken to reduce inequalities and increase the diversification of the Neural Engineering community. The awards will consist of a certificate and a cash prize.
Committee: Marco Capogrosso (University of Pittsburgh), Elvira Pirondini (University of Pittsburgh), Mahsa Shoaran (EPFL), Solaiman Shokur (EPFL), Fueger Hélène (EPFL equality office), Cheryl Ruffin (Pitt diversity office), JoJo Platt (Neurotech Strategist, Platt & Associates, San Francisco).
Best Poster Award Competition
Sponsored by Elsevier
1st and 2nd place awards will be given and will consist of certificates and cash prizes. The committee will choose the awardees from a pre-selection of ten finalists. The winners will be announced during the closing ceremony.
Committee: Mahsa Shoaran (EPFL), Solaiman Shokur (EPFL), Camilla Pierella (Università Degli Studi di Genova), Amol Yadav (Indiana University), Mohammad Ali Shaeri (EPFL)
Attendee Voted Best Poster Award
Sponsored by Elsevier
The attendees will have the ability to vote for the best posters. The award will consist of certificates and cash prizes. The winner will be announced at the closing ceremony.